Sketchnotes from O’Reilly Webcast :: The Three Reasons Users Don’t Convert, with Laura Klein

Hear Laura rage against the machine on why users don’t convert.
Laura Klein is the author of UX for Lean Startups, a prolific blogger and writer on user research and design, and is also a fabulous friend. At least I think we are friends. We co-host a podcast on which we fight like cats, so maybe friend is a stretch.
But nevertheless, Laura has a lot of goodness to share, and in May 2014 hosted an O’Reilly webinar on Three Reasons Users Don’t Convert. I especially appreciated the moment during Q&A when she answered a question from “Kate” and was quite harsh, thinking she was me. But indeed it wasn’t. Oops.
I had the pleasure of sketchnoting the webcast. Laura doesn’t pull any punches, so it was pretty clear what the key messages were.
You can get lots more smartness from Laura on her blog UsersKnow, and follow her on twitter @lauraklein. And O’Reilly has lots of other good webinars, too.
(pssst. Be sure to listen to our podcast, What’s Wrong with UX. It’s fun.)
Published on May 22, 2015, back-dated to date of event.