Join me at Wild Wonder 2022 for Sketchnoting!

Registration is now open for the 2022 Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, a beautiful gathering of nature, science, art, community, stewardship and love. This year’s online conference is Wed-Sun, Sept 14-18, 2022.
I’m very excited to be sharing the love about Sketchnotes! I’ll be facilitating a sketchnoting workshop on Wednesday, and I can’t wait to work with the 200+ participants.
Fun fact: I met Jack because of the Sketchnotes-SF meetup group I hosted (and plan to revitalize!) In a way, leading this workshop is like old-home week. Here’s the details…
Sketchnotes for Nature Journaling
Give your nature notes a boost with a form of visual note-taking called sketchnoting, a fabulously fun technique used to transform simple notes into rich and memorable visual summaries. You can use sketchnotes to record field observations, to capture research and concepts, to remember ideas, and to make notes to share with others. In this hands-on workshop, we’ll cover basic practices for sketchnoting: you’ll develop a visual vocabulary of symbols, learn simple lettering techniques, get familiar with structuring information into common layout patterns, and dip a little into using color effectively. Though sketchnoting is useful for many kinds of notes, we’ll pay special attention to use in a nature journaling context. If you’re new to sketchnotes, this is a fun and fast way to get started. If you’re a seasoned sketch-noter or visual note-taker, you’ll advance your practice in a whole new way!
Via Wild Wonder Conference Site
The conference features keynote talks from John Muir Laws (@johnmuirlaws), Julie Zickefoose (@juliezickefoose), Mike Daikubara (@mikedaikubara), Rosemary Mosco (@rosemarymosco), Sunni Brown (@sunnibrown), and the incredible artist Tony Foster,
And, there are 30+ sessions with amazing instructors such as Akshay Mahajan (@akshay.tian.mahajan), Amy Tan (@amytanwriter), Bethan Burton (@journalingwithnature), Bill Singleton (@billsingleton_studio), Catherine Hamilton (@birdspot), Debby Kaspari (@debbykaspari), Jean Mackay (@jeanmackayart), Karen Romano Young (@karenromanoyoung), Kristin Meuser (@kristinmeuser), Laura Call Gastinger (@laragastinger), Mark Simmons (@ultimatoy), Marley Peifer (@marleypeifer), MaryJo Koch (@maryjokoch), Mattias Lanas (@mattiasillustration), Max Romey (@maxromey),Melinda Nakagawa (@sparkinnature), Mike Rohde (@rohdesign), Robin Carlson (@anthropocenesketchbook), Roseann Hanson (@roseannhanson), Timothy Joe (@timothymjoe21), Vitor Velez (@theheadlessketcher) and Yvea Moore (@yveaeaton)!
* All @ are Instagram handles.
The work of these leaders in the community is a constant inspiration, and I’ve been honored to learn from them over the years. I can’t wait to see what magic they have to share with us at this year’s conference!
So, run-don’t-walk and register today!